Why You Need To Be On Pinterest

Joelle Riding • Jun 09, 2021

Let’s be real, keeping up with different social media platforms can feel like being in ten places at once!

Between posting stories on Instagram, sharing expertise in Facebook groups, writing witty one-liners for Twitter, and dipping your toes into all the trendy new platforms (looking at you, Clubhouse), the thought of adding more might make you want to draw the curtains and hide.

But what if I told you there was a place where you could share your best products, services, and blog posts with a huge audience who is already looking for what you offer?

What if I told you it’s possible to send free traffic to your website for weeks and even months without having to post something every day.

It exists, my friends, and it’s called Pinterest.

For many people, Pinterest is a powerhouse tool to increase website traffic, find ideal clients, and turn them into happy customers. In this post, we’ll chat about what makes Pinterest unique and why you should start using Pinterest sooner rather than later!

What is Pinterest?

Simply put, Pinterest is a visual search engine. It often gets lumped in with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but it actually works more like Google.

Users go on Pinterest to search for specific topics like recipes, home decoration ideas, DIY projects, and travel inspiration. When a user types in a search query, Pinterest will display rows of images that match that search, similar to how Google displays the most relevant articles.

These images are called pins. Each pin is linked to a URL, which can be a blog post, video, website, or sales page. Users can save pins to their personal boards so they are easy to find later. From there, the pins can be discovered by even more users.

As a business owner, you can create and upload your own pins that lead to your products, blog posts, services, or anything else you want to promote. Because each pin image gets its own link, Pinterest is an excellent way to spread your amazing content across the web!

Pinterest has a huge user base

According to recent reports, over 475 million people use Pinterest as of 2021. 60% of the Pinterest audience identify as women, and their international user base is growing every year.

This means that there is a huge opportunity for you and your business to get discovered. And as I’m sure you know, more eyes on your content can mean more potential customers and clients.


Pinterest is where people go for ideas and inspiration

Unlike social media platforms where people connect with friends, share life updates, and pass the time, Pinterest users are often looking for new ideas and inspiration.

People use Pinterest to research a vacation, decorate their living room, start a garden, plan their wedding, browse style trends, and find font pairings to use on their website.

Because most users are in planning mode while on the platform, they’re more open to unique ideas and new brands. It’s the perfect time to show them all the awesomeness you have to offer!

Pinterest is a search engine

When users go to Pinterest, they often are looking for specific information.

This means that your audience is actively looking for you.

With traditional social media platforms, you share a post with your entire following and hope to spark their interest in a product or service. But on Pinterest, the people who find your content are already seeking out what you’re offering.

Let’s say you sell handmade jewelry in an online shop. When you post your designs to your social media feeds, you have a direct line of communication with people who already know and love your work.

You might get a few bites, but there’s a chance that lots of your followers are offline, or aren’t ready to purchase right now, or just missed the post completely because #algotithms.

While those platforms are incredibly important for brand awareness and building relationships, it can be hard to get your work in front of new people who are looking for what you offer.

But imagine this scenario: You make some pins featuring your best designs and add them to Pinterest with optimized titles and descriptions.

When a user comes to Pinterest and searches for “Hand-made silver bracelets” or “chunky red necklaces” there’s a chance one of your pins could show up.

If the user likes your design, they’ll click on your pin and go straight to your website where they can purchase the jewelry.

You just found a customer who was specifically looking for what you make, and therefore more likely to buy.

Pinterest exposes you to a wider audience

On that note, on Pinterest, your pins can show up to users who don’t follow you yet, so you aren’t limited to people who already know about your brand.

Your content can be discovered by anyone on the platform, follower or not, giving you an even wider audience who is searching for the very products and services you already offer.

Pinterest traffic is evergreen

While social media posts can get buried over time, Pinterest pins can send traffic to your website long after their publication.

In fact, many creators notice that their pins start to gain traction several weeks or months after they were first posted.

On Pinterest, users can save pins so they can find them again later. Even if a potential client isn’t ready to buy right now, they can “bookmark” your pin and return to you when the time is right.

A prime example of this? For years, I used Pinterest to save home decor ideas before getting my own place. The minute I signed my lease, you can probably guess where I went to start shopping for furniture. Yep, Pinterest!

Pinterest can give you results faster organic traffic

SEO, or search engine optimization, is an amazing way to grow your business. But honestly, SEO has a bit of a reputation for being a long-term game.

You can write the most perfectly optimized post in the world and it still might take months before it ranks in the search engines. But with Pinterest, you can get results relatively quickly, especially if you have a more established account.

So Why Should You Get On Pinterest?

Pinterest is an amazing way to share your content, products, and services with a worldwide audience. Because Pinterest works more like a search engine than a social media platform, you have the ability to be discovered by totally new faces who are already looking for what you offer.

Pinterest content is evergreen and you can see results on a quicker timeline compared to other platforms, making this a powerful place to promote your business. If you’re ready to add another platform to your online business toolbox, Pinterest is well worth the time spent.

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